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Forward with FWD: Your Business Forecast for 2023

After three years of wrestling with the pandemic, many of us are wondering what the Year of the Rabbit 2023 has in store for us. With the help of experts from the FWD Life Insurance’s Chinese New Year special called “Savvy Talks”, we best believe that it will be a year of countless opportunities. This year gives us a chance to start all over again, and FWD Life Insurance Corporation gives us tips on how to be financially smarter and business savvy, not just for the new year but for a lifetime.

The program began with a short message of welcome by Zhuang Li Hao, the CEO of FWD Life Insurance, and was followed by talks delivered by feng shui expert Marites Allen, economist Robert Dan J. Roces, and head of investments of FWD Philippines Mitch Lumabi. CEO Zhuang emphasized that the Year of the Rabbit 2023 is to be seen as promising. As it is a year of optimism, FWD is trying to convince its clients to “create their own luck” by working harder and smarter, and being more innovative.

According to Master Allen, everyone, regardless of birth year, will have a good shot at luck this year, although each person has something to be cautious about. Some are more at risk in some matters more than others, depending on their animal zodiacs. A summary of Master Allen’s guide is as follows: 

Rat (1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020)

A zodiac heyday is here for those born in the Year of the Rat, because they are blessed with future prosperity star no. 9. Overflowing opportunities and favorable luck in both work and money await them and their chance of multiplying their luck is nine times as feasible. However, they have to be patient because many opportunities will ripen at the end of the year and money flow will rise at a later time. While waiting, they have to be thrifty and they should avoid lending money. They have to stay healthy and be conscientious in managing their finances to augment their luck.

Ox (1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021)

Those born in the Year of the Ox are advised to not be too adventurous, as the robbery star no. 7 puts them at risk of betrayal and loss. Working hard, creating wealth, and managing finances properly are key to staying financially healthy. They should also keep their current friends and allies close for networking luck. If they do these consistently, they can also expect big wins and successes. The anti-robbery charm can also lessen unfortunate circumstances.

Tiger (1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022)

The robbery star is strong for those born in the Year of the Tiger, which means possible accidents, losses, violence, and betrayal. Although there will be a spillover of good wealth from last year to this year, lending and borrowing money will not be a good idea. To prevent misfortunes from happening, they should invest only in opportunities with reputable institutions and to be meticulous in reading the details (in print, as much as possible) when signing contracts. The anti-robbery charm will come in handy.

Rabbit (1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023)

Health should be a priority for those born in the Year of the Rabbit because they will be more prone to lethargy, sickness, and loss of motivation. This will increase the risk of robbery and loss as well as difficulties in collection. In order to remedy these, they should maintain good nutrition and maximize their money luck. They should also stay close to their families and loved ones to keep their spirits bright. Making conservative decisions in investments and wearing an anti-robbery amulet are also advised.

Dragon (1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012)

Control and moderation are necessary for those born in this year. Careless behavior can attract conflict and many misunderstandings. Otherwise, many wealth opportunities and network expansion are readily available. They are advised to use social media to sell their products and to be cautious with new business ventures if they want to unlock these opportunities. They may enhance the “South” and “Southeast” to bring in more success and fortune, and they may also wear a peace and harmony medallion to maintain peace in their environment.

Snake (1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013)

People born in the Year of the Snake have to be very careful and conscious this year as they risk misunderstandings, challenges, disappointments, heartaches, and even legal issues and more arguments. In order to avoid these, they have to be diligent in their work and to stay close to their allies and friends. They should lean on the safer side and avoid conflicts as much as possible. Joint ventures and collaborations are advised for the meantime, as well as additional income streams and staying in familiar territory.

Horse (1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014)

Profits in business, career, and personal life are all to gain for those born in the Year of the Horse. If they stay motivated, they can achieve more assets and capitalize on the good fortune readily available for them. They should activate their networking luck this year with their allies and friends to build fruitful partnerships. This year is also expected to be more auspicious for wealth accumulation than last year.

Sheep (1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015)

The time is ripe for victory, success, happiness, and new beginnings for those born in this year. Those who seek to do a life reset, rebuild habits, and try out new things should do so this year. They have to believe in themselves and be very focused. They should not get distracted by delays in earning and generating funds, and they should also avoid uncomfortable partnerships in new projects. Displaying and wearing symbols for wealth, victory, and luck will help them a lot.

Monkey (1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016)

Victory and success also await those born in the Year of the Monkey. It’s an excellent time to get creative, sharpen one’s networking skills, and to meet influential people and gain their support and confidence. Their cleverness, charm, and influential charisma can take them far, as long as they do not sell themselves short.

Rooster (1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017)

Windfall and unexpected good fortune also await those born in this year. A tai sui medallion can hasten the flow of luck. They are also advised to expand their assets and portfolio in order to preserve or restore balance in their lives. Although they lead well, they should give their subordinates or teammates a chance to take the lead. They should, however, be extremely careful with new partnerships and projects as well as the people they trust. They should also avoid unnecessary expenditures in spite of abundance. 

Dog (1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018)

Those born in the Year of the Dog risk misfortune, accidents, illnesses, problems as per Misfortune Star No. 5. Financial gains are high and they can take it easy on spending and investing, but they should be careful to not give in to despair during setbacks. They have to be positive and to be strong, independent, and reliable in their business affairs. They are advised to wear the anti-misfortune amulet and the annual protection amulet to protect themselves from danger.

Boar (1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019)

People born in the Year of the Boar are urged to be patient and calm because turbulent times might come. They should cherish what they already have and lie low in order to avoid misfortunes. Gainful opportunities await such as profits from investments and increased earning potential. They may also expect some bonuses, commissions, and extra funds that came in late due to delayed collections. They should also sell excess inventories, manage post-pandemic requirements, and do everything they can to stay healthy and focused. An anti-misfortune amulet can be useful.

For those who needed more in-depth zodiac analysis and advice, she presented the 2023 planners that she authored for people with different zodiac signs, along with their lucky dates and hours.

Roces’s talk was a summary of insights and developments in the Philippine economy and the investment market at this point in time. He explained that much of the inflation we experience stems from developments in the United States and the actions of the Federal Reserve System (Fed, for short). Moreover, as China’s economy is expected to rebound after its policy pivot on COVID-19, trading between China and the Southeast Asian region will be expected to boost growth after a few months. An overall weaker demand due to a popular anticipation of recession in the US in the second quarter of 2023 and the rise of easier supply chains in China will lessen our inflation. Controlled inflation rates will be crucial to better business opportunities in the Philippines. These will open up new opportunities for trade and exports, especially with China as a vital partner.

In light of the many possibilities and opportunities outlined by Master Allen and Mr. Roces, one of the first steps to being successful in 2023 is to preserve and grow one’s wealth. According to Mitch Lumabi, FWD’s head of investments, our financial decisions today (not tomorrow, not next week) will define what kind of future we and our families will have. Our financial decisions need to have a long-term horizon, and they should commensurate with our business goals and our willingness to take risks. Even the best of us should learn to seek help, because seeking help is a sign of strength, and not weakness. When we seek help and take steps to protect ourselves financially, we protect ourselves from making bigger mistakes in the future and from precarious situations. Insurance will help ensure that our gains from business activity stay with us and our loved ones.

With the help of host Valerie Tan, the audience were able to garner a few more insights from the speakers through an open forum. The questions ranged from tips for beginners to managing investment risks, but the speakers all mentioned that the bottomline of prudent financial and business decisions are responsibility and caution. Although the Year of Rabbit is widely expected to be prosperous, luck still comes and goes. Lumabi sensibly concludes, “If you won’t start acting on your financial goals, then when?”

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