When you enter the entertainment industry as a young individual, most people think that it’s a dream come true, and they would usually be right. But what they fail to realize are the challenges that artists have to go through to achieve success. For this Rise Up with Janeena Chan episode, they invited Chinoy entertainer Richard Juan to discuss his life and his journey so far on-screen and off-screen.
Gaining confidence
Richard Juan never expected that he would be where he is right now. He shared that he was a shy kid and never entertained the thought of entering the entertainment industry. Growing up, he noticed how people in entertainment should be lively and engaging, and later, he realized how he also enjoyed doing the same thing and sharing ideas. Upon entering the Philippines for college, Juan shared that it was an experience of starting anew and of self-discovery. He knew that it was time to leave his comfort zone and “fake it until he made it” in the entertainment just so that he could unleash his potential to the fullest.
Battling with self-doubt
Juan joined multiple organization events while he was finishing his degree at the University of the Philippines. He modeled for them and found himself enjoying it. Seeing his talent, his family and friends encouraged him to join an agency and Juan gave it a shot. After going through numerous casting auditions, his first month was rough as he faced a lot of rejections. Aware of his inexperience, he knew that every successful artist has gone through the same thing, but he knew that he had to keep lmoving forward and look at the bigger picture. Eventually, he took part in Eat Bulaga’s “You’re My Foreignoy,” hosting their segments, and he was well on his way on the road to stardom.
Being the best version of Richard Juan
Juan shared that although he succeeded in leaving his comfort zone by entering the entertainment industry, he has the tendency to look back at his college batchmates that are succeeding in different fields. He figured that comparing himself with others is always “gonna be there,” but in the end, he knew that what was important is the career path that he is passionate about. As long as he firmly believes in what he is working for and what he wants in life and strives to work hard for it, he is confident that he can’t go wrong. Juan concluded that at the end of the day, what’s important is becoming a better version of yourself and not a better version of someone else.
Giving back to the youth
Juan is one of the few young celebrities that have chosen to actively support and advocate for a change in the world. Being a goodwill ambassador of SOS Children’s Villages Philippines for two years now, he gets to implement his advocacy and his strong belief that the “youth is the future.” Ever since he was in middle school, he started to wonder why people weren’t investing in the youth more. which sparked his urge of wanting to support them himself. Upon entering college and joining organizations that give back to the community, he knew that he had to continue doing the same thing regardless if he had already graduated. For a brighter future for the world, he wanted to offer his time to an organization that aims to cater to young unfortunate children.
Working smart
Juan is aware that in the Chinese culture, you’re driven to work hard as much as you can to achieve success in life. But beyond that, Juan stresses that it’s important to work smart as well because if you only work hard, you won’t be productive in the long run since you’d wind up wasting your time on things that don’t bring you fulfillment. But when you work smart, you will be able to invest in what you truly enjoy.
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