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We Asked 6 Xavier School Alumni The ONE THING They Miss About Their Alma Mater

Note: For the past months, Chinoy TV has been featuring the lives and experiences of students from different Chinese-Filipino schools, with a Davao Christian High School comic being the most recent. Enjoy this article on Xavier School and stay tuned for more school features!


Xavier School in San Juan City is the beloved alma mater of several generations of Chinese-Filipino men. 

Over their (more or less) 13 year stay in Xavier, numerous memories have been made. From participating in Days with the Lord to joining clubs and committees, these are memories that will undoubtedly last a lifetime!

We interviewed 6 graduates and asked them to explain, in just a few sentences, the one thing they really miss about Xavier and why they miss it. Here’s what they said! 

1) The land of books.. The Grade School LRC!!

“The memory of the Grade School Learning Resource Center just hits a home run for me because it was my elementary’s ultimate place of refuge and it introduced me to the fascinating legacy and narrative of comic books and superheroes, both of which have been integral to the formation of my personality and character…”

—Matthew Ong, Batch 2017

However, the GS LRC isn’t only for people who love reading and studying. Xaverians know all too well that audio visual room within the LRC (across the front desk), wherein they’d occasionally watch movies and films. 

In addition, everyone looked forward to days wherein they’d be brought to the AVRs of the school to watch an occasional film!

2) The ODS (And of course, the other faculty and staff as well)

“Even though I got a lot of greenslips, it would be the ODS that made my stay in Xavier a lot more worthwhile… Also, the security guards would recognize me and also ask how I’m doing, which made me feel very much at home.”
—Solomon See, Batch 2019

Xaverians know what ODS stands for; no need to spell it out! They’re also familiar with the security guard always stationed in gate 2 (her name is Ate Gina) and the other familiar faces who’ve been in Xavier for the longest time. 

For many Xaverians, these are the faces who, even after many years, they’ll always still remember fondly. These faces have been their friends (frenemies, perhaps), companions, and even second parents.

3) From fair to football, the field’s the place to be

“What I’ll undoubtedly miss about Xavier School is the football field. Having been a part of the football team for about 9 years, the field served as a place for me to bond with my friends and further improve my skills as an athlete.”

—Axel Medina, Batch 2020

The heading says it all: a lot of events happen in Xavier’s football fields! A few Xaverians would probably even remember seeing a helicopter land. 

While it has been closed and rehabilitated numerous times, the football field is the ever-reliable place for big and memorable outdoor events. 

4) Ano ba pa… Syempre dismissal time and after-school hours

“There’s a magical feeling when you stay in school after class hours. Hanging out with your friends talking about life or your interests while the sun sets. Having an overnight due to club or committees activity (especially if it’s in the EED).”

—Juan Santos, Batch 2015

Part of the Christmas committee and gotta stay late to fix that high school gym? PKK overnight training and Days with the Lord in the EED? They’ve got it all in Xavier!

No matter how tiring some of these events may get sometimes, it’s no doubt that for Xaverians, these precious moments spent doing what they like — with the people they like — have been lifelong memories!

5) Conversations and laughter with friends and batchmates, who’ve become brothers 

“I miss the daily conversations and laughter with the fine men I call my brothers. It’s difficult not to refer to your batchmates as your brothers, since you practically grew up with them.”

—Gelo Pojol, Batch 2009

The school has had high expectations on both the academic and character-building end. Don’t get us wrong, expecting academic excellence and character-building is great!

But with their group of friends, who they’ve shared both happy and tough times with, life was way more manageable. High school friends are friends for life.

6) Xavier as a second home

“I miss going to school and spending time lots of fun times with my classmates, friends, and teachers. Xavier was truly our second home.”

—Alvin Ang, Batch 1990

Conversations and laughter with batchmates, football fields, overnights… Xavier has truly been a second home for many Xaverians.

In truth, there is no one answer to the question “what is the one thing you absolutely miss about Xavier”, and that’s because each Xaverian’s experience has been unique, each Xaverian’s experience has been memorable, and each Xaverian’s experience has been worthwhile.

One pride, one glory! 

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