Opinion on Vaccines: Less Politics, More Listening to the Doctors
COVID-19 Vaccination in the Workplace: What You Need to Know
As more COVID-19 vaccines arrive in the coming months and more of the population is eligible for the vaccines, it brings up questions about vaccinations in the workplace. To help with this, SKY Law answers some commonly asked questions.
Dr. Samuel Ang: ‘At 70, I Still took Sinovac’
Leading surgical oncologist and general surgeon Dr. Samuel Ang said that at 70 years old, he still took the Sinovac vaccine. Here’s why.
Chinoy Medic Dr. Phil Tan-Gatue Answers 3 Common Vaccine Myths
Questions like, “Do vaccines cause one to get autism?” and “Weren’t the COVID-19 vaccines developed too fast?” have pervaded social media. Dr. Philip Tan-Gatue, an alumnus of the University of the Philippines College of Medicine and a certificate holder from the Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, answered those very questions in an online event, COVID in Children & COVID-19 Vaccines, organized by the Alumni Association of Xavier School.
China’s 5 COVID-19 Vaccines
As the Philippines waits for more updates on the U.S. COVID-19 vaccines, China has its own vaccines in play. Here are the known Chinese COVID-19 vaccines.
Sen. Pimentel III: PH Will Get ‘Priority Access’ if China Develops COVID-19 Vaccine
The APCU, with Sen. Pimentel III, recently tackled topics from COVID-19 to the outlook of the relations in terms of future Philippine president.