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5 Lucky Fruits to Add to Your Diet

Do you ever feel like everyone else has all the luck while you’re stuck doing the same dull thing over and again? Every year, you make a slew of vows to yourself, but nothing ever seems to work out. If this is the case, you should focus on attracting more luck into your life. But how can you acquire amazing health, wealth, and luck all at once? All you have to do is include these specific fruits in your diet, and luck will be on your side! Certain fruits, according to Feng Shui principles, represent luck and fortune and are frequently employed in Feng Shui applications. 

1. Peach

In Chinese culture, the peach tree and all of its components—the wood, fruit, blossoms, and petals—all have diverse metaphorical connotations. The tree’s wood is thought to fend against evil, and ancient warriors used it to make weapons. The petals of peach blossoms have a long history of use by Taoist magicians and are believed to induce a profound love trance in males. The peach tree blooms in the spring, which is considered the best time for young couples to marry. The peach fruit, like the tree as a whole, represents a long and healthy existence. The fruit is also associated with eternal vitality. It is reported that the Peach of Immortality, which grows in the Kun Lun highlands, only bears fruit once every 3,000 years. When this occurs, the Eight Immortals (a fabled group of enlightened ancient creatures) convene and consume the magical fruit, ensuring their immortality. 

2. Apple

The Chinese term for apple is ping guo (苹果), with the first syllable sounding close to the word for peace, ping (平). Thus, in Chinese culture, the symbolism of apples is often used to express peace, harmony, and reconciliation. The word ping (平) can also be used to refer to the phrase ping an (平), which indicates safety. While the apple’s major connotation is peace, it is also suitable to wish for someone’s safety. As a result, apples are popular holiday gifts for people who are embarking on a trip. 

3. Lychee

According to feng shui principles, lychees are an auspicious fruit. Its crimson color represents pleasure and good fortune. The lychee fruit is also a legendary emblem of romance, beauty, and good luck in ancient Chinese culture.

4. Pomelo

Pomelos are supposed to bring good luck into the family home and are a sign of family harmony. The plumpness of the fruit also gives it a sense of abundance. The bright yellow surface is an auspicious hue that resembles gold. All of the aforementioned factors combine to make the pomelo fruit a fortunate emblem in Chinese culture. Pomelos, like pineapples, are rarely seen in eastern art and their use is especially noticeable during festive seasons such as Chinese New Year. This is when they are displayed and utilized as fruit offerings in prayers. When combined with the pineapple, it is intended to represent the arrival of prosperity and abundance.  If you wish to exhibit only pomelos in your home during the Chinese New Year, attempt to get a pair since a classic feng shui theory claims that “all good things come in twos.”

5. Watermelon

In feng shui, the spherical form of a watermelon is considered auspicious. While the fruit itself symbolizes success, the watermelon’s many seeds symbolize abundance. Meanwhile, its crimson, delicious meat is a lucky emblem as well.

Make sure to add these tasty fruits to your diet to welcome and achieve more luck and abundance in your life.

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