During the lockdown, we all looked for something to get us through our day. Many of us became plantitas and plantitos, bakers, and/or fitness fanatics. Some of us took a few online classes that introduced us to new hobbies, or some that made us better at our jobs or the careers we want when things get back to normal.
Jowan Sia, a college dean, took that to the next level. He has taken more than 850 courses from prestigious international universities that were offering online classes during community quarantine.
Here are a few tidbits about this full-time educator:
- Jowan also experienced the slump of binge-watching, but snapped himself out of it very soon after.
- The man keeps a planner. He’s kept one for over a decade to plan his days and write down his daily goals.
- The Department of Science and Technology-Regional Office Caraga gave him a scholarship grant that allowed him to take a myriad of courses.
- He always like to keep busy, whether it be jogging outdoors, hiking, or swimming. He has never been a fan of doing nothing.
While I don’t think anyone is expecting you to suddenly go out and earn 100 course certificates this month, maybe Jowan will inspire you to find what you’re passionate about and do just a bit more toward that.