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Audiobooks to Help You Learn Mandarin

Want to learn Mandarin? There are various materials available to help you with this, but one of the useful and most effective tools to learn a new language would be audiobooks. There are multiple accessible Chinese audiobooks online that you can check depending on what suits your needs and preferences.

Here are Chinese audiobooks for beginners:

1. Pimsleur: Chinese (Mandarin) Level 1 Lessons 1-5


The Pimsleur Language Programs is a widely known and respected language learning community. Through their audiobook, you’ll be able to learn to speak and understand Mandarin. Each lesson provides 30 minutes of spoken language practice, emphasizing pronunciation and comprehension. It also includes an introductory conversation with new vocabulary and structures.

You’ll also be guided through detailed instructions that will help you understand and participate in the conversation if you’re already fluent in the English language. The entire audiobook is 2 hours and 48 minutes. You can get it here.


2. Learn with Paul Noble: Mandarin for Beginners


This complete course uses a unique method wherein there are no grammar tests or memory drills, which helps you take a relaxed approach to learning Mandarin. This audiobook with popular language teacher Paul Noble is used by millions of people across the globe that want to be able to speak fluently and confidently.

The 15-hour audiobook includes an introduction to the basics of Mandarin and trains you to speak the language in everyday scenarios like asking for directions and talking about yourself. You can get the complete course here.


3. Chinese Short Stories 


This audiobook has 11 short stories for the ears of beginners who want to take their first step in mastering the Mandarin language. The audiobook’s length is about 4 hours and 5 minutes, and its collection of stories aims to help you improve your listening skills and your ability to use Mandarin comprehensively.

With each story, you’ll be exposed to words that you can easily add to your vocabulary as you go. It’s the best companion to learning the language as a beginner since it will help you understand each word’s usage in a sentence. You can get it here.


4. Learn Chinese for Beginners Easily and in Your Car 


People who have the busiest schedules but are passionate about learning Mandarin can tune in to this audiobook, having it play in the background. It contains over 2,000 common and daily Mandarin phrases and words that are pronounced slowly and repeatedly, containing the direct English translation alongside it.

The audiobook has grouped each word according to a category and topic, making the learning experience more enjoyable as you get to choose which you prefer to learn first. You can get the bundle here.


Want your kids to also learn more Mandarin? Check out these shows that will help teach them the language.

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