
Stay at Home! Here’s why e-Consult is the future healthcare

We’re nearing the end of 2021, and we’re all still in the middle of a pandemic. By now, you should probably know by heart the minimum public health and safety standards, such as wearing face masks at all times when you’re in public places, consistently washing your hands, and maintaining physical distance from other people. 

Since the onset of the pandemic, experts have always advised everyone to stay home to avoid getting infected by the virus. For many, that meant changing their routines including their scheduled visits to their doctors. Hospitals such as Cardinal Santos Medical Center (CSMC), however, have found a solution to bring their medical expertise to patients’ homes. Optimizing technology, CSMC has introduced e-Consult, which is a safer way of consulting your doctor without needing to step out of your home.

With or without the pandemic, the e-Consult is here to stay as it saves you time compared to physically going to the hospital for non-emergency health concerns. 

If you live in a household with senior citizens or family members with comorbidities or if you’re a mom with young children, then e-Consult is another layer of protection you could give not just to yourself but also to the people around you. 

Going to public spaces like clinics, for example, could put you at risk of contracting COVID-19. Worse, you could bring the virus back to your homes and put your entire household at risk. Through e-Consult, you get the advantage of attending to your healthcare needs without compromising your safety and those around you. 

Cardinal Santos Medical Center’s e-Consult is an online medical consultation platform designed to provide patients access to expert medical advice from doctors in the comfort and safety of their homes. 

Specially designed to make healthcare convenient in the new normal, the CSMC e-Consult offers an alternative to the conventional face-to-face clinic consultations and gives patients access to top medical specialists with just a few taps on their mobile phones, tablets or computers.

A wide range of services is available for booking through CSMC e-Consult, including online consultation, specialty services such as clinical dietician, physical therapy, speech and language pathology, wound care, and medical nutrition support. 

In addition, CSMC’s e-Consult also offers an Outpatient COVID-19 Care program and women’s healthcare packages such as menopausal screening and executive prenatal care. 

If you want to avail of an e-Consult at CSMC, here are the three easy steps to do so: 

First, create an account and log in at 

Second is to select from our list of specialists or procedures and choose your preferred date and time. 

Lastly, pay online using a debit or credit card, GCash or PayMaya to confirm a booking.

Clients have to note that e-consults are recommended only for non-emergency and non-urgent medical cases. Patients whose examinations and diagnostic procedures require in-person consultations are encouraged to book a face-to-face appointment with their physician.

For inquiries and assistance, you may call Cardinal Santos’ e-Consult helpline at 8727-0001 local 3022.

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